Whirl, turn, twist. A vibrant flash of silver color spinning in a horrifying yet opaquely beautiful way was ejected with the speed of a Laotian hawk from my helpless hand and down, down it bounced and spun without regard for any fish it might land upon into a dark swirling mass of green. Plop, it disappeared from the sunlit lands and entered the depths of a flooded pond.
From my vantage point seated upon the mud-slick hillside where I first lost my balance and bathed my new pin strip shorts in brown goo, I new all was lost. My Lao companion immediately sprinted down the bank and into the water and with quickness that would shock even lightning shoved his arm deep into the darkness and retrieved our (very recently purchased) PowerShot A620 Cannon camera.
This makes 3 cameras in 2 years. The first one I, Nathan, donated unknowingly and unwillingly to someone who helped themselves to my back back while driving on my motorbike. The second one Jan also donated unknowingly and also unwillingly to someone who helped themselves to her back back while riding on the bus.