Sunday, May 4, 2014

And So It Goes

This year's crop of 12 Turkeys (9 surviving) really took us up a level in our farm rating.  It was thus a bit sad when 4 of the new gobbelers found a home in the village nearby.  This post is a tribute to truth that we all must move out at some point.  Gobble Gobble.

 Snatched!  This lady caught her two future roasters.

Eva says a forced goodby.

 1 Gobble for me and 1 Gobble for you.  2 more roasters find flight.

The waiting brood - where will my future home be?

 Wow!  Could it be!  Yesterday morning, Mrs Turkey decided it was time to hatch another batch.

Friday, May 2, 2014

More from the work trip up north

 The kids standing by a bomb crater

Plain of Jars

Great place for kids to run and explore

  Almost 8 years ago, we got engaged at the top of one of these hills, so we hiked to the place for the kids to see.

The kids standing by a dugout bunker

Elijah just ran right up this steep hill! Even Eva grabbed onto the grass and pulled herself up step by step. Zach preferred to ride.

This is it! The bomb crater has been bulldozed, but right around here we got engaged. The kids weren't so into seeing the place. Eva was more into the Preying Mantis there, and Elijah was already hiking on ahead.

What a view

The bridge coming back