Thursday, February 24, 2011
Zach is already 7 months old and growing like a weed! He weighed in at 15 lbs the other day, which is four more lbs than Elijah was at his age! He's also doing a fabulous job at night. My goal when each of the kids were babies was to get them to go down for the night in the 7 o clock or 8 o clock hour. Sleeping through the night is much less of a priority for me as I've found that if they go down early, I have evening time without kids and am much more capable of getting up in the night. Zach is a champ and goes down every night in the 7 oclock hour. YEE HAW!!! What a guy!
I attribute Zach's quickly sorting out night and day to my niece Anna! She is such a cutie. When Zach was just a few days old, she spent the afternoon with him... talking to him, hugging him, loving him, and generally keeping him awake for a very long time. When evening came, he slept super hard, and since that day has seemed to spend lots of awake time during the day and lots of sleep time at night. Thank you, Anna! You are such a helper. :)
When I prop Zach up with a bobby pillow, he likes to push over the pillow and rest as seen in the picture. haha!
p.s. Please ignore the pretty pink pillows. Baby girls aren't associated with pink over here and blue is not associated with baby boys. So the hospital gave us pink, and I tried not to care. :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
food woes
Our internet has been too slow to post pictures the last couple weeks, so these pictures are from this last month sometime.
My poor kids... their parents are so hard on them. We make them eat whatever we're eating for a meal, and to make things even worse, we make them eat the whole thing. And to top it all off, they're not allowed to make comments about what they're eating unless it's to say something good. I know we're strange and harsh and weird, it's just that the food battle is a battle I'm not able to fight the next "who knows how many" number of years. I'm too weak. I'm too impatient. I'll lose my temper too many times. I imagine how awesome it would be for the battles to be over by the time they're two or three. I imagine how awesome it would be to have them sit down wherever we happen to be and eat what's given them without comments on how much they don't like the food or how much they have to eat or can they get down from the table yet (or in Laos, up from the floor)?
My poor kids... their parents are so hard on them. We make them eat whatever we're eating for a meal, and to make things even worse, we make them eat the whole thing. And to top it all off, they're not allowed to make comments about what they're eating unless it's to say something good. I know we're strange and harsh and weird, it's just that the food battle is a battle I'm not able to fight the next "who knows how many" number of years. I'm too weak. I'm too impatient. I'll lose my temper too many times. I imagine how awesome it would be for the battles to be over by the time they're two or three. I imagine how awesome it would be to have them sit down wherever we happen to be and eat what's given them without comments on how much they don't like the food or how much they have to eat or can they get down from the table yet (or in Laos, up from the floor)?
And when he woke up from his nap, was he ever one obedient, happy little guy!! Success!!! Please, don't judge. I know I'm strict. I know it seems heartless. And yes, I would have done things differently had I thought through making him sit in his chair over nap time. But now he knows that he has no choice but to eat the food, and now we have two good little eaters! Now that I've confessed my deeds, I feel much better. Thanks to all the listening ears. :)