Friday, September 30, 2011

9 months already? Can it be?

Look at this cutie! He's reached the mobile stage that comes just before walking on his own... transferring from one thing to the next, walking along and holding on. I'm so proud of him and just a little sad too that we'll be saying goodbye to the crawling stage soon. Don't you just want to hug him? :)

He's got 4 teeth now too, and one of these days, I'm going to start a baby book for him and get all his "first ever moments" recorded and all the hilarious things he'll be saying one day. For that matter, maybe I'll finally get one going for Elijah too. :) Or maybe I'll get rid of Eva's to make all things fair... would it be ok if Eva has one but neither of the boys do?
One thing I have figured out though, and that is that I'd rather savor today and not get every little thing recorded than constantly stressing over all the details of a project and missing out on these days when they're little. And these days won't be here for long!

1 comment:

Bruce Cheung said...

Wow! Zach is growing up soo fast! Can't believe he'll be able to walk soon! Great pictures, and thanks for sharing. Looks like you guys are doing great in IN!