Tuesday, December 20, 2011

She's FOUR!

Happy Birthday EVA!!!!
You are a delight and words can't express our love for you!
We love so much about you... one thing we've been noticing lately is your soft heart. Yesterday was one of many examples.
When you heard about all the kids in the world who live without much of anything... without toys, beds, moms and dads, today you decided to give your toys away so the kids could have something. I thought you might just choose a few, but you and Elijah filled a big tub. In fact, your toy chest was looking pretty empty afterwards. Later in the afternoon, on your own, I saw you take a few more of your dolls and add them to the two already in the tub. Instead of giving one and keeping many, you gave all and just kept one. God will bless you for that, and His blessing is worth more than the greatest treasure in the world. You are an amazing four year old girl, and we are super proud of you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet girl!

1 comment:

Bruce Cheung said...

aww soo good! happy bday eva!