Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Camp- how our family spent Christmas Eve night

The unwalled thatched structure known as the 'Sala' became base camp Christmas Eve night. The temp dropped to 50 degrees with a strong wind blowing, and temple drums began beating in our village around 3am. The kids slept through everything.

The Sala was decked with mosquito nets and a Christmas tree. Stockings were tied to the jungle swinging rope/vine.

The Sala is built against the back wall of the property, and outside of our little warm glow from the Sala, the rest of yard was pretty dark.

Shhhh! Don't tell these guys this isn't normal. The kids getting ready for sleep under the mosquito net.

The next morning getting ready for the stockings.

Yehaw! Just want I wanted, a wilderness survival kit!!!


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