Saturday, September 20, 2014

The First Ride

Our kids are a little behind the times- they just learned how to ride a bike a couple of weeks ago.  For the past few days, they've had a growing yearning to ride 'outside the gate'.  

Big Boy Zach in the navigator's seat waiting for dad. 

Eva & Elijah on the road outside of our house.  7:20am is cool and beautiful!

They had a blast pushing through this river and on up the other side. 

Towards Elephant Cave.

Is it this way dad? 

Posing for the glory. 

Submerged: canoe & water buffalo

Every first ride should include traversing a rickety bridge across a raging torrent.

Ok, it's a relatively new bridge and the river was calm today, but the kids did have to scoot their way past an unknown canine.

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