Friday, April 26, 2013

Turkey Trouble

Yes, in more ways than one, we've had our share of turkey trouble.  The two male turkeys put on a nearly endless parade of puffing and huffing.  This was usually directed at each other.  Suddenly, one day the turkeys got out of hand.  The younger fellow (very subjective guess) and the older fellow engaged in one of those wildlife video life and death struggles.  Feathers flew, blood was drawn, the turkeys bit and pecked, and clawed and gobbled.  So much so that the older fellow was nearly gobbled up.  He became mortally wounded and died in a heap just a few days later.  The remaining turkey put on quite the victory dance as I, Nathan, hauled Andy's body (yes that was his name) out of the turkey arena.  

A few days later three neighborhood dogs found Feather (also his name) and attacked him.  I found Feather in a heap of feathers in the pit in the background of the picture below.  He wasn't moving.  I bathed his wounds and put precious antibiotic ointment on him.  A few days later he was gobbling as good as new.  

Then luck of all luck.  After months of searching the town and even neighboring cities for a female turkey we discovered that Bonnie (yes that is her name) lived just across the street from us!  The owner agreed to sell and we are now her proud owners.  It took about 90 seconds for Feather and Bonnie to fall in love and we are now watching a growing collection of eggs building against a corner wall.  

Bring on the turkeys 
Gobble Gobble

 Zach is eyeing the turkeys before going in to feed the birds.  Do you know what he is thinking? 
"This is for the birds"

1 comment:

Amy W said...

That was a hilarious/sad post. Haha. Oh Andy, Feather and Bonnie... such a life you all lead!